Saturday, September 22, 2012

Day 9: the palace

After a long and tiring day of work my co-workers took me to the Centro Historico to eat. It was dark, it was Friday and there were so many people, you feel like a fish in a can.

But, boy, it was beautiful. As I wrote before, it took as an hour (or more) to get there and about the same time to get back home. But I've had a very nice dinner with nice people at a great place.
OK, the food was not amazing, although locals say "Sanborns" is the best place to eat Mexican. I've ate Italian : ) I've tried Mexican food form my friend's plate and it was not extraordinary. But the restaurant itself was extremely beautiful.

We've ate at "Sanborns de los Azulejos" - a former palace of Los Azulejos, now - a shopping place and a restaurant. It's a really beautiful building - it has frescos and mosaics and all the other good stuff that palaces should have. And there also are huge old mirrors on the second floor. I would dare to say that the hall we were eating at used to be a dance hall.

Although it might have been a little hard to dance, because it was a little hard to walk for me in that building. And it just because when you walk from the left to the right of the building - you walk uphill. The whole building is sloping. I was told it's because, apparently, "the whole Mexico is built on water" (I understood that as "on swamp"). 

So the whole time I was eating I could feel I was falling backwards. The sloping is not that big; maybe 7-12cm in total building width, but I could really feel it.

So "Sanborns" of Los Azuleros is really worth visiting and experiencing.

(I'm sorry, but I had to google the pictures, because my trip there was unexpected and I didn't have a camera. Still, the pictures represent what I saw really well)

Dancing (?) hall on 2nd floor
1st floor
1st floor

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