Saturday, September 15, 2012

Flight no.2

We have to wait in the plane for half an hour before departing. A huge storm is around Frankfurt.
I was hoping the plane won't be full so I could have two or three seats for myself - it's a 12hour flight and I haven't slept yet. So I need some comfort.

Unfortunately, people love Mexico. The air-plane is completely full - there's not even one space left. Sh*^.

But while we were waiting for a take-off, a couple sitting next to me started talking to me. They were very nice. They were about 50-year-old doctors from Monterrey - a city in North Mexico. We were talking most of the flight and I found out lots of stuff about Mexico. For example, Cancun has the most beautiful beach in the world and I should definitely go there - white sand and Caribbean sea - sounds amazing. Also, they told me that the hurricane season, as we know it, is not as bad as we (Europeans) are being scared about - Blanca and Mario (the doctors) go to Cancun every year during this season and the weather is great. There might be one or two hurricanes in season, but that's no reason to skip the holiday. I've got a feeling that most of the news we get from US are exaggerated.

Also, the first impression of Mexican people - they ARE very religious. Blanca prayed before the flight. Although later I've found out that most Mexicans only go to church on big holidays - Christmas, Easter, birthdays and weddings. That's it.

Also it seems that Lithuania and Mexico have some similarities. Both countries are very Christian, but in both countries it's mixed with old religion. And we do the same thing during Los dias de los muertos or Velines (November 1st and 2nd) - we clean the graves some days before and on the night of Los dias de los muertos we go to the cemetery and light candles - both cultures believe that it warms the spirit of the deceased.
So although I didn't expect it (because I didn't get more seats for myself) the flight was nice. I've practised my Spanish and got a peek at Mexican culture.

I've also got an email address of Blanca, an invitation to Monterrey and a promise from Mario "If you ever need a doctor, call me - I know a lot of doctors in Mexico city. and they will take care of you". That's reassuring.

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